Web hoster

This website is hosted by OVH, head office at 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix (France).


This website is published by the FreshRSS community. Contact us for any question.


The code of this website is published under AGPL 3.


The logo has been designed by Cypouz and Vincent Lambert (discussion at #119).

This website uses illustrations from the great unDraw project by Katerina Limpitsouni.

It uses the following fonts: PT Serif and Open Sans (under the SIL Open Font License).

Data processing

This website does not track you. It only logs information required by the law, at the Web server level. Logs include your IP address, your “user-agent” (i.e. Web browser) the visited pages and the time of access.

These data are automatically deleted after 14 days.